Transaction Management Services

We’ll make sure all your paperwork is done right.


Understand what transaction management can do for you.


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“Working with Jennifer as our transaction coordinator has been a wonderful experience! She has improved both my team's business and our lives! We are more organized, her attention to detail is outstanding, and we look more professional. We are so grateful to have her on our team. If you are thinking about working with a transaction coordinator don't hesitate, Jennifer is a top notch professional"

— Chris Monty, RE/MAX Equity Group

“I have always felt that I could take care of my own paperwork. In fact, I thought I could do it better than an assistant. I didn’t want to support an assistant of my own, and I certainly didn’t want to take the time to train an assistant, and I didn’t want to give up control.

It has been my pleasure to work with Jennifer Veitch over the past 3 or 4 years. The truth is out, however. I can’t take care of my paperwork as well as Jennifer does. Her tracking systems insure that all relevant documents are included in the file, that documents are completed correctly, that all of those nagging missed initials or signatures are cleaned up expeditiously, that I am reminded of due dates for earnest money, contingencies, inspections, financing and closing. She is always up to date on which form, and which version of that form, the company wants included. In addition, She puts out a weekly log of what has been completed with dates and what is still to be done. 80-90% of this is already under control, but it is the remaining 10-20% where Jennifer makes my work so much more professional and rewarding.

We encounter stress in every transaction and Jennifer’s addition to my team eliminates a good portion of avoidable stress. In my decades long career, hiring Jennifer is one of the best moves I have made to simplify my transactional world.

Some brokers might say, do I really need this? In my opinion, only a small percentage of brokers are really good at the detail work. The rest of us need Jennifer.”

— Larry Sievers, RE/MAX Equity Group